The chapter 2 of the book “Qualities of Effective Teachers”, which is called “The Teacher as a Person,” states six characteristics of effective teachers as persons. They are the Role of Caring, the Role of Fairness and Respect, Social Interactions with Students, Promotion of Enthusiasm and Motivation for Learning, Attitude toward the Teaching Profession and the Role of Reflective Practice. I know they all are very important, so it is very hard to choose only two out of them. But here they are.
1- The role of caring for the students is very important. When a teacher cares for his or her students, it is very noticeable for everyone, especially for the students. A caring teacher can bring the best out of each student. Caring for the students involves not only knowing the students but also listening to them, being gentle with them, understanding them, encouraging them and over all loving them.
Effective teachers are must listen to the students. Not only do they have to listen about what happens in the class, but also they must always have the chance to listen to problems of theirs student’s life.
The students are smart, and they can feel when the teacher understands their problems. Understanding the students demonstrates genuine concern and empathy toward students. Teachers must be careful. They must be conscious that they can talk about their life too, but with self-disclosure.
Effective, caring teachers know students both formally and informally. Teachers can use every opportunity to keep communication lines open with students at school and in the community. Effective teachers care for the students first as persons and second as a student.
1- Promotion of Enthusiasm and Motivation for Learning
This is a very important part of effective teaching. Teacher Edgar has emphasized this in class many times. The reason of this is that the teacher’s enthusiasm for teaching, learning and for the subject matter motivates students by encouraging them to be responsible for their own learning. An effective teacher recognizes that students vary in their motivation levels. An effective teacher knows how to support intrinsically motivated students and seeks ways to provide extrinsic motivation to students who need it. Therefore, I will always try to be very enthusiastic when teaching my class. I know if I don’t, the student may feel bored and I won’t be able to make them complete tasks. Losing control of the class is what I fear when I teach, but I know now that if I create rapport with the students, they will be more likely willing to learn.