domingo, 12 de junio de 2011


·        What's the relevance that feedback and homework have for effective teachers?
First, feedback is a form of input on someone’s work, and it may be given in different forms. So, feedback in a classroom occurs when a teacher or a classmate critiques or comments on someone’s written or oral performance so that that person learns from his or her own mistakes and therefore show a better linguistic competence next time. Feedback is indeed extremely important, without it, students just wouldn’t be able to correct the mistakes they commit. Usually students do not spot some of their mistakes, so they need someone to tell them how to correct mistakes in order to improve. Effective teachers provide feedback to all students, and they do it in a way that students understand it is for their benefit. Finding the way to give feedback is necessary; otherwise, if feedback is not given in an appropriate manner, students may get discouraged rather than encouraged. Furthermore, homework is relevant for effective teachers. Teachers need to assign homework because homework assignments five students further practice of the skills learned in class, homework gives students more time to develop a task since not all students work at the same pace. It is important that the homework is appropriate for the students. It shouldn’t be too easy or too hard. 
·        Why does assessment play a central role in teaching?
All effective teachers need to have a well-established form of assessing students since it is a way of determining the effectiveness of a lesson in terms of student’s learning. When a teacher assesses students properly, he transmits to the students a message saying that the teacher has clear expectations for them. Assessment does play central role in teaching. It is important because the teachers can see how students are doing. It provides feedback to the teacher about which strategies are working. A teacher may find weaknesses and strengths in the students and do something about it, but how could the teacher know if the students have learned if the teacher doesn’t use different ways to assess students. Assessment may be formal or informal, and it may also be formative and summative. The suggestion to all teachers is to use all types of assessment.

·        What are some effective ways of monitoring student progress?
Traditional teachers only use the summative assessment. However, it is now important to use different and maybe even creative ways to measures students’ progress. Some effective teachers use pre-assessment techniques to support targeted teaching. Also, whenever students are on task, it is necessary that the teacher be monitoring, circling around the room. All effective teaches take notes of the difficulties they observe. Standardized tests, projects, assignments and even quizzes can also be a good way to monitor students. No matter how the teachers monitor students, if the teacher does not provide feedback or does not reteach parts of the lesson that students didn’t understand, the teacher simply won’t take advantage of his monitoring students.

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At 7:00 a.m., Karla began his warm-up activity by joyfully greeting the students.
Right after, she divided the class into two groups, boys against girls.
Then, she asked if all students if anybody there knew how to play tennis and some rules to play it.
At 7:02 she explained the process of the activity until the students understood. (Directions)
To begin with the students’ participation, Karla gave each team some pieces of paper that contained words that students had to scramble and then show it to the other team.
After that, she asked group A to show the disordered word to group B who had to guess the word.
After they guessed, groups changed roles and now group B show the word to group B.
This process occurred until the groups had no more words.
At 7:08 students seemed to be on task enjoying the game.
Later, since each group won a point each time they guessed correctly, Karla announced the winner group to finish with the warm up.

When she started her warm up, she showed enthusiasm. However, it somehow went down during the activity. According to what I know about (ATWIKA) classroom management, it is important to maintain the level of energy high so that students see you are enthusiastic about their learning and then they’ll be motivated.
Karla gave instruction in a very good way. But there were a few students who still didn’t get it since they were talking. ATWIKA giving instructions, we have to give instructions when all students’ are paying attention and we have to KISS instructions.
Also, Karla CCQed students; however, it’s important to be creative when CCQing because ATWIKA CCQing, we have to CCQ students to see if they have understood directions and if it is not creative, students will begin losing the attention and the motivation.
Karla’s voice is not very strong. So, ATWIKA classroom management, she should be more mobile and should keep eye contact with students.

Plan of Action
In the future if she uses this activity she should:
  •          Be sure her students are paying attention when she gives instruction.
  •          Kiss instructions.
  •          Try to keep her enthusiasm though the activity.
  •          CCQ various students, especially those who are speaking since they are usually the ones who do not understand instructions.
  •          Be more mobile in the classroom since it will help her be heard by all her students.
  •          Use audio-visuals to help her explain the activity

Questions I am Still Thinking About
  •        How can she involve all students in the activity? 
  •      Howcould she keep her enthusiasm during the complete class or activity?
  •      Is there something else she should do to better the activity?

Advices for Novice Teachers
  •         Plan your activities appropriately to avoid improvisation. 
  •      Remember to time the activity. 
  •      Have clear purposes for an activity

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